Saturday, September 24, 2016

Cartesian doubt

Cum peteret seram media iam nocte matellam
arguto madidus pollice Panaretus,
Spoletina data est sed quam siccaverat ipse,
nec fuerat soli tota lagona satis.
Ille fide summa testae sua vina remensus
reddidit oenophori pondera plena sui.
Miraris, quantum biberat, cepisse lagonam?
Desine mirari, Rufe: merum biberat.

When Panaret, maudlin, with snap of the thumb,
At midnight commanded the needful to come;
A spoletime came, which himself had just drain’d:
Nor had it sufficed that the flagon contain’d.
With utmost good faith redecanting his store,
He crown’d the vast vessel as high as before.
Capacious, you wonder, the pot as the cask!
This pure had imbided; which accounts for the task.

La mezzanotte era già finita
quando, ubriaco, Panareto
schioccando le dita
domandò un orinale.
Gli fu presto portata
una brocca spoletina
da lui stesso tracannata,
né tutta intera
bastata gli era,
ma lui fedelmente
orinando giulivo
in quel recipiente
rimise il contenuto primitivo.
Ti meraviglia che quella brocca
tanto tenesse
quanto aveva messo in bocca.
O Rufo, non restare senza fiato,
perché quel vino non fu certo annacquato.

Martial, Epigrams, Book 6, LXXXIX
English translation by James Elphinston
Italian translation by Franco Zagato

劉勃麟 (Liú Bólín), Hiding in the City No. 96 – Supermarket No. 3, 2011. Courtesy of 劉勃麟 (Liú Bólín).

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